Sunday, January 22, 2012

When Art Transforms and Informs Life.....

Home from annual meeting at church - always too current and often forgetful of past
contributions from those who tirelessly worked before the current year to plan the
ease of today's protestations of success. I am not bitter or surprised,  and here's the but...

I arrived home to see that that which I thought I'd missed yesterday was actually today
and on line to see - the Bavarian Opera in Munich's simulcast of Verdi's great opera
"Don Carlos." Coming from annual meeting to enter Verdi's world at the scene of the
auto-da-fe was somewhat - how shall we say - unusual? But oh the grandeur and truth,
I stayed with the succeeding scenes and grew anew to the great depth and compassion
of this work. A superior cast of artists ignited this both human and grand offering, I was
moved and elevated to a newer plane of understanding and realization for the
complexities and wonder of this work.

And as we journey as believers, this is the text and music that can enable us to move in
our own time to deeper understanding and commitment. And is that not the work of great
art in our lives?

I feel blessed to see this and offer it to others. I wish that you may seek and see what
I see. Otherwise my words fall on deaf ears and my hope is to open those ears to bring
them to hear what I hear.


1 comment:

  1. You know that I feel the Arts will save the world and of course good liturgy is an art, so perhaps is good politics.Dimly visible at time however :) Lyn
