Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Der Ring - Some Thoughts

What is it about this 19 hour epic opera over four evenings that
holds us in such wonder and questioning? I find that hearing some tidbit
opens new thoughts, continues to challenge me and renews something
deep within my soul. Every new production finds something new to explore
and say - even when we disagree with the director's concept, It is indeed
very rich and like most great classic stage works, continually opens new
possibilities and new interpretations and ways to open new meaning.

My quick reference is to the yearly cycle of the church looking at
Holy Week and its events. We re-live them each year and often find
new and deeper meaning and also often just re-hear the story and find
unfulfilled wonder. So it is with the Ring.

It is because myth is so human and invites us to participate in the saga. Story
can be very powerful and redemption lies in our ability to be open and yet
again truly open. Story can transcend time and music more than assist us
in this endeavor.

And so I live into the characters' story. Their feelings are our feelings and the
true response in ourselves is what makes the universality of it allow our response
to be one  based in our own reality. I could discuss the things individually in the
saga that make me feel this way, but the road is one of personal discovery and all
I can ask is that you enter these possibilities for yourself and your own journey. It
is a road worth taking. Time is relative, so the choice is to begin now or perhaps
a little later. With great art, it is being present in the moment that that creates
the possibility.



And be open to new realizations and possibilities.

It is a lifelong journey without regret.



  1. You've heard me say the arts will save the world. I dont recant. The arts, transcend reality while at the same time portraying it in stark rendering. How can that be? God Creator is the greatest artist of all and look what a hogedpodge of coloric beauty She made!!

  2. Thanx Lyn.

    Art is the door openner to new experience. To hesitate and
    not be ready to walk through the door is to close the soul's
    inner urge to seek that newer experience that art offers. I say, throw the door open and drink deeply at the altar of creativity and revive the inner need and then grow and move forward anew.

