We have survived a critical election. Why are we spawning attacks on people who have
contirbuted so much to our well being as a nation? Are we saying that pants before
country are more important? What of the years of commitment and loyalty? What are we
so willing to throw away and why? I am not too French, but I am willing to question the
why of it all.
What is co-opting our reality? What sense of morality interupts our ability to see beyond
the trees and experience the forest? And why do we feel it so easy to dispose of those
whose majority contributions have been significant to our movement as a nation to a
better and safer place.
I just don't get it. What do we achieve in the in the swamps of self indulgent non critical
I am awash.....
I look for the hope without feeling its possibilities.
I am in the mire.
Where are you?